With the Chicago Cubs back in the postseason - and a real threat to advance to their first World Series since 1945, you're bound to see Cubs caps come out of the closet. But how many of these supposedly long-suffering fans have really felt the misery of losing year after year, have always checked on the team via the box scores on a daily basis and never wavered in their support?
So how do you know who's a fair-weather supporter and who's a die-hard fan? Friends, we now present you with a test to serve any Cubbies-cap-wearer on the street to gauge their fan quotient. You know the type, the ones saying "I've been following the Cubs for yeeears" the loudest. If they score four or five correct, buy them a Bud or Old Style (provided they're of age, of course!). If they miss four or five, well, it's your call on whether to direct a Lou Piniella-like tantrum at them or welcome them on the bandwagon. Answers follow at the bottom of this post.
1. Who are the only two players to hit more than 500 home runs with the Cubs?
2. Who was the Cubs catcher on their 1984 NL East Championship team?
3. Who managed the Cubs to the World Series in 1945?
4. Name the former Cub nicknamed "Hawk."
5. Name this great third baseman for the Cubbies who had his No. 10 retired by the team in 2003.
1. Sammy Sosa & Ernie Banks; 2. Jody Davis; 3. Charlie Grimm; 4. Andre Dawson; 5. Ron Santo
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